
Local Businesses Rank High in Providing Quality & Service

Local businesses, which represent 56% of businesses used by U.S. internet users, provide a better customer experience over national chains, according to recent research. Respondents cite how local outperforms national on service and quality: 96% – better at personalizing service. 91% – more trustworthy and better at treating them fairly. 88% – better at customer…

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Advertising Effectiveness in Short- & Long-Term Strategies

  The goals of advertising, Sales Activation and Awareness Building, are valuable in both the short and long-term. Sales Activation generates short-term sales uplifts:  Targets people looking to purchase on the spot. Aims to trigger a purchase impulse. Does not build long-term growth and loyalty towards a company’s product/service. Awareness Building promotes long-term sales growth: Targets…

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advertising mistakes

Four Common Advertising Mistakes to Avoid

Growth comes from reflecting on both successes and failures. Below are the four most common advertising mistakes to avoid. Don’t wait to share news about your company, product, service. Communicating news is a prime opportunity to grab attention and motivate consumers. Research shows that news is strongly correlated to purchase intent. When you have news,…

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Keeping Up With Advertising Trends

Keeping Up with Advertising Trends Can Help Businesses Make and Save Money Marketing has no finish line – its process must constantly be monitored, refined and adapted to changing trends.  Below are some marketing trends impacting the cost and effectiveness of today’s advertising campaigns: Television People are spending less time in front of traditional TVs. Numerous…

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Recent Advertising Trends

      RECENT ADVERTISING TRENDS “The exceptionally strong growth for digital place-based media reflects a movement toward … media planning in what is rapidly becoming a ‘video everywhere world’.” ~ Barry Frey, President & CEO, DPAA   U.S. Digital Place-Based Advertising: Ranked #1 in growth among other media. Grew by 14.3% for first half…

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7 Ways to Build Your Online Presence

Online presence is the sum of all your personal and business identities ― website, online communities, social media ― and allows people to find, like, trust, get to know, and interact with you.  Following are seven ways to help build your online presence. Strategize: What are your goals? Write down your long- and short-term business goals…

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Setting a Marketing Budget That Fits Your Business Goals

Setting a Marketing Budget That Fits Your Business Goals Marketing is essential to the profitability and growth of small businesses.  The following tips can help determine how much money should be allocated to marketing and how to spend it wisely: Œ CALCULATING YOUR MARKETING BUDGET Small businesses with revenues less than $5 million and margins in…

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