Using Content to Drive Sales

Content marketing can be an effective way to position your business as a thought leader and help build a reputation for your product/service.  One in three marketers cite content creation as their biggest challenge.  Following are insights from content experts: Focus on Educating Rather Than Selling: Ninety percent of top content marketers put their audience’s…

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Why is a Strong Brand Identity Important?

A strong brand communicates what your business does, while establishing trust, credibility, awareness and loyalty with consumers.  “Small business owners who think big, who think about growth, who think for scale … understand that branding is important and invest in their brands.”  — Ramon Ray, entrepreneur/speaker/author/small business expert What is a Brand? A brand is…

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3 Reasons Out-of-Home Cuts Through Crowded Media Landscape

Out-of-Home (OOH)* marketing is ideally placed to bring meaning back to advertising and help businesses reconnect with consumers, achieving strategic presence in a crowded media landscape.  Analysis concludes: Out-of-Home: OOH can achieve long-term brand value at a time when attention often becomes focused on short-lived clicks, shares and instant gratification. Effective use of OOH means…

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Promised #1 on Google? It Doesn’t Mean What You Think It Does

Many internet marketing companies state that their services can get you to “number one” on Google, but do you know what is actually being done to get you there? Search engines have changed and “number one” cannot be guaranteed. Here is what you should know: 1. Getting to “number one” on Google isn’t necessarily the…

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