The Importance of Consistent Touchpoints

“Each interaction a customer has with your brand shapes their perception of [your business] and those perceptions translate to dollars spent…” – Toni Clayton-Hine, CMO at EY Americas¹

A touchpoint is any interaction consumers have with your business¹. This can occur at any phase in the customer journey:  realization, awareness, evaluation, purchase². Following is insight into the interactions it takes to turn a prospect into a customer:

1. Leverage Multiple Touchpoints
Several touchpoints are required to convert a customer or create brand awareness:

  • Consumers have to see your brand name multiple times before they can remember you.
  • Target specific audiences and consistently stay in front of them.

2. Focus on Branding rather than just Data Alone
Rethink expecting an immediate response from people – any results from marketing campaigns are a fraction of your success:

  • It can take eight or more touches to be remembered, recognized and to educate consumers.
  • You never really know what brought you a lead: they saw your ad, recalled your brand, and took action.

3. Prioritize Customer-Centric Marketing and Providing Value
The closer your customers are to the top of the funnel, the more touchpoints it will take to move them to the bottom:

  • Nurturing customers long-term helps bring them to the bottom of the funnel.
  • It’s a good idea to have consistent and helpful interactions/messages.

4. Map Out Your Customer Journey
Create valuable touchpoints and weave them into the customer journey:

  • Understand what people are trying to accomplish and how you can help them.
  • There are usually one or two key benefits that a prospect cares about – identify the areas where you can provide value.

For small businesses, every touchpoint is an opportunity to make an impression and convert a potential customer into a loyal one.

Source:  Young Entrepreneur Council@yec-Solomon Thimothy, President of OneIMS, reported by; ¹; ²