Content marketing can be an effective way to position your business as a thought leader and help build a reputation for your product/service.  One in three marketers cite content creation as their biggest challenge.  Following are insights from content experts:

Focus on Educating Rather Than Selling:

  • Ninety percent of top content marketers put their audience’s informational needs ahead of their business’s sales message.
  • Share your expertise about topics relevant to your industry, regardless of whether or not your readers buy your product/service.
  • Content that is more educational than promotional is an important quality reviewed during the purchase decision-making process.

Be Specific and Honest:

  • Content that speaks to specific needs is another quality that decision-makers consider before a purchase.
  • Forge a connection by focusing on solutions to obstacles with which you have also faced.
  • An honest account of how a business has worked to overcome issues can build trust and can be more compelling than content that reads like marketing copy.

Let the Function Dictate the Format:

  • Consider which format best suits who you’re trying to reach and the material you’re presenting; oftentimes, one topic can be presented in multiple ways.
  • A blog post that summarizes a webinar is a quick read and more shareable than an hour long recording.
  • Information can be condensed even more into an attention-getting infographic that makes a complex subject more accessible.

Businesses are finding that focusing on the needs of their audience is the basis of a strong content strategy.  The key is remembering it must be engaging in order to be effective.

Source:  Research conducted by Smartbrief and the Content Marketing Institute