Brand awareness should be a key component of marketing efforts.  Studies show awareness of a product/service is an important factor for consumers when making purchases, linking brand awareness to consumer preferences.

 Defining the Brand

  • A brand can be defined as the relationship with the consumer; consumers feel “ownership” of a brand because of their experiences with that product/service.
  • Businesses own the trademark which identifies their product/service, while consumers help define it.
  Buying Habits

  • Customers decide more quickly from options that include a known brand versus options that include only unfamiliar ones.
  • Upon exposure to other brands, most consumers choose the product/service with high awareness.

  • Building brand awareness can increase market share: being the first to get your product/service implanted in customers’ minds increases the barrier to entry that other brands may face later.
  • Even in an industry with established players, you can still become one of the brands consumers consider if they become more aware of your name.

  • Ensure your target market is exposed to and recognizes your product/service; an identifiable logo and distinct message presents the repetition that can make your name memorable.
  • Creating awareness for a brand incorporates all consumer contact with your product/service, from advertising and promotions to after-sale customer service.

A consistent depiction of your brand, and following up on promises made in the initial exposure, help create top-of-mind awareness for your product/service and better ensures a consumer’s purchase and long-term customer loyalty.

Source:  Chron, reported by Craig Berman and George Boykin; Hoyer and Brown Study; Advertising Educational Foundation