Keeping Up with Advertising Trends Can Help Businesses Make and Save Money

Marketing has no finish line – its process must constantly be monitored, refined and adapted to changing trends.  Below are some marketing trends impacting the cost and effectiveness of today’s advertising campaigns:

  1. Television
  • People are spending less time in front of traditional TVs.
  • Numerous households are “choosing to dump TV altogether,” opting instead for broadband and streamed video content.

(Source:  A.C. Nielsen; Time Magazine)

  1. Internet
  • Consumers are spending more time online – especially on mobile
    devices – and digital ads have shown tremendous growth.
  • Numerous studies question the effectiveness of these ads, however. Fortune Magazine cited:  “Half of all online ads are never seen by a human being; huge amounts of traffic and clicks come from bot* networks, and fraud is rampant.”

(*software programs designed to mimic the activities of human browsers)


  1. Word-of-Mouth Is Key
  • Word-of-mouth is the most trusted source driving sales,
    followed by online consumer reviews.
  • Out-of-Home, including Digital Place-based Signage, generates a disproportionately high amount of word of mouth conversations.

(Source: Keller Fay Study; A.C. Nielsen)


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