The 2016 U.S. advertising market is expected to grow at its fastest rate since 2010, with Digital Out-of-Home (DOOH) projected to outpace most media in 2017.
“… research shows that DOOH is the second fastest growing
ad-supported medium in terms of consumer exposure time.”*
— PQ Media CEO Patrick Quinn
Digital Out-of-Home Advertising:
- Rose 11% in 2015, and is pacing to expand 9% in 2016, and through to 2020.
- Expected to reach about a third of all out-of-home media spending in 2016.
- Expanded consumer exposure by 4% to an average of 54 minutes per week in 2015 and is on pace to grow 5% in 2016, the fastest growth in five years.
Macro trends, such as consumers spending more time outside their homes, should help brands open their media mix models to include more DOOH during the next five years.
*Mobile is the first.
Source: PQ Media for DOOH; for total U.S. and other media, reported by MediaDaily News